User Guide

Advanced: Space Saver

Wondeshare MobileGo lets you quickly and securely clean junk files and compress your photos without affecting your photos’ perceptual quality to free up valuable storage space on your iDevice.

You can uninstall rarely-used apps in one click, too.


Locates and cleans junk files from your device

Run MobileGo software on your computer and get your iDevice connected via USB cable. Your iDevice will, be recognized and displayed in the primary window,

Step 1. Simply click on Space Saver in the left column.

Step 2. In the corresponding Save Space with One Click window on the right, you can see how many days have gone by since the last time your device was cleaned and the storage space available on your device.

Step 3. Click the Start Scan button to begin scanning your device for junk files.

After the scan is complete, the total amount of junk files will be displayed. Select the junk files you’d like to erase.


Compress your iOS device captured photos to reclaim more storage

When the scan is finished, all captured photos will be checked, telling you how much space you’re going to save if you compress all the checked photos. Of course, if you do not want to compress a photo, uncheck it.


Uninstall rarely used apps

Uninstall not used apps from your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch to get more storage

Step 1. In the window on the right, click Start to let he program scan for your iDevice for apps that you haven’t used for at least 30 days.

Step 2. On the result page, all apps that you haven’t used for 30 days will be listed with its name, its data size and the date of last used.

Step 3.Check the apps you will not use any more, if you’re sure that you need to continue the process, click Resolve to uninstall the apps.

Step 4.When the uninstall process is finished, a message will tell you how much space you’ve saved by uninstalling rarely-used apps.

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